Saturday, December 12, 2009

Visual Music

Hey, this is Eddy from Wednesday class. Here is my Visual Music with type added into the design layout. I was planning to split the type from the design, but I wanted to find a way to put them together. Let me know what you guys think.



Olga Type said...

hi eddy,
i like that youre putting the type into the original design. it makes the project more clear, and i think it looks good!

Eddorz said...

Thank you Elisa!!

Olga said...

Hi Eddy,
I like #2 more because it is easier to read. Check your print if you can read on that blue. It is hard to say from the screen.

I would like to see also another version when type lives on it's own line between your lines of circles. Check readability. Sometimes, type trapped within the circular space very close to the edges is difficult to read.


Olga Type said...

i still like it with the text inside of the shapes. it just feels more uniform. if you can fix the couple of spots that are hard to read (like the word 'you' before 'pick the'), i think it'll look great.
but if that really isnt working, i like the one where the text is running between the lines of circles, as opposed to along the top.
hope this helps and im not confusing you more!

Eddorz said...

Thanks for the help! Yeah I actually tweaked the text some more and the print out looks great to me. The actual size is about 9 x 5 so its readable.

Olga said...


I actually like the one that is between two lines of circles just because I can appreciate what you did with typography more. Why not compromise: a few elements will jump to the top circle and a few to the bottom, while the main body of type in-between.

Just a suggestion.

Olga Type said...

Eddy, I personally like your type solution and I sill think that the most efficient is when you have type between lines. It is crisp and also it looks like a real musical notation, like a vocal line among other instrumental lines.
