Monday, December 14, 2009

Jessica Wednesday Class

Is there anything I should change? Three rows representing the three different things that happen in the story. She never likes the first 2 and always chooses the 3rd. Makes sense?


Olga Type said...

Hey, it's Rebecca. I like the idea a lot and I really understood it. I think 3 is an important thing in the story but maybe you just need the one line of X's and check marks because the situations are essentially the same... Goldilocks likes only the baby bear's stuff.

Olga Type said...

Hey it's Rebecca, again, I just got another idea, because your poster looks a lot like a check list maybe that could be your concept and have a checklist of things Goldilocks likes and doesn't like or something. Maybe make some kind of grid? I hope this helps??

Olga Type said...


I like your idea with Xs and checks, but what is your theme, idea? What is the moral?

I have questions and comments though.

Why tree?—in the forest, wooden house? do you need it. Can it be not so literal. I think if you have all this chart on the wooden door and a broken lock, it would make make more sense— almost like a training manual for the invaders : )
or a warning to those to have a plan to intrude. Then, Rebecca's comment will be very helpful.

Typography is still weak. Strange color, condensed American Typewriter? Why? It isn't connected with the image and with the burned symbols, not conceptually and not visually.

You are close, though. Simplify. Minimize your tools.
