Friday, December 4, 2009

Michelle Thursday Class; The Three Little Pigs

The Three Little Pigs
This is a story of three pigs, brothers sent out by their mother to "find their fortune". So the three pigs went out to build their own homes and live on their own. One pig quickly built their home out of straw, another pig quickly made their home out of sticks, the last pig dedicated time and hark work into building his home out of bricks. The pig who spent all his time building his home was mocked by his brothers who were out galavanting. Then a big bad wolf came and saw the house made of straw so he huffed and puffed and blew the house down. So that pig ran to his brothers home made of sticks. The wolf then went to the home made of sticks and huffed and puffed and blew the house down. So those two pigs ran to their brother that they made fun of for spending all his time building a sturdy home of brick. The kind brother let his siblings into his brick home. The three pigs out smarted the wolf and tricked him to come down the fire place where there was a pot of boiling water. Then the pigs ate the wolf for dinner.
The End.

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