Wednesday, March 16, 2011


This is my(Brian's) revision of Persephone.  If you do not remember the story, it is about Persephone.  She was the daughter of Zeus and Demeter.  Hades fell in love with Persephone and requested for her hand and marriage to Zeus and got his approval.  He went too literal, and kidnapped her, while she was picking flowers somewhere then took her to the underworld.  Demeter went mad and stopped the harvest and people and vegetation was dying.  then she was demanded to be returned to her mother.  While she was going to be returned, Hades offered her pomengranate seeds to eat.  She ate them, and due to that, she must spend a third of a year in the underworld and the rest in Mount Olympus, which created the 4 seasons, fall,winter,spring,summer.  

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