Thursday, March 17, 2011

Anne Di Lillo : ENDGAME

I found the scenes within the play to be fragments of time, not necessarily in order or from the same day, they could be arranged in any order.

from last week, (I've lost the other 3 files):


Unknown said...

Annie, i just have to say i love your work. Its just so fresh, and the ideas within are so vibrant!

I really like your cover idea for the first one, and the idea of viewing the scenes as fragments of time, which i believe is pretty spot on with the story. the visual is very nice, and the idea of it scattering around on the back is interesting, (or is the front scattered, and the back resolved?) but then again may confuse me because the story doesn't really scatter around.. but that would probably me just thinking too much.

The second idea with the grid is also really interesting to me, but is honestly kind of bland. i feel like ive seen it before, and doesnt really speak loudly or present to me any ideas of the story within it. Also if I begin to dig a little deeper, the squares falling out doesnt sit too well with me, as i view the story having a cyclical, repetitive nature. and these characters/events stay in the box, they dont necessarily ever leave. they do wonder whats going on outside though..

and your last idea, i think is awesome. the only issue i have is the combination of the photorealism/illustrative images. but thats probably just me again. I think the idea is super solid however. im sold on it!

hope any of this helped.

-David C.

Olga said...

David, you said it. I agree! Both, the first and the last one are the best.

In the first one, I would check the color palette. Red seem to be away from Becket and not necessarily is a representative of a game.I would try to avoid red and black both. In terms of typography, I am not totally convinced that it is the right typeface I would also check something less healthy that Gill Sans.—something relating to the style of the images..

The last one, I really like the idea, but images are too clean and realistic and vector don't really go together. I would go more with super realistic.
Typography could be developed more, especially the author. I understand that you were mimicking an existing game—good, but it doesn't mean it can't be designed better and sit better within the square.

Overall, very good, we are talking about final rendering. Think about a different color palette or just a tint for both. You might be surprised how it might refresh your covers.


Olga Type said...

I like the 1st one the most!!!!! I totally agree w/David. It's really a fresh solution of the book. I've never expected this kind of playful piece from it. Brilliant!
As Olga said, you should check the color palette. I think you need to adjust contrast.
I love it.
