Thursday, March 26, 2009

Textbook assignment

Dear all, 

Great job! Impressive process and soon to be great final versions of your posters. Congratulations!

Next and the last assignment. Design a book of texts. 

You need to bring in class 50! b/w prints of informational typography—from illuminated manuscript, to magazine columns, book pages, content pages, info on the sides of the food or perfume...packages, from the texts on the streets to annual reports, menues, poetry, flight  schedules......from the famous newspaper catalogues, typedesign/ books/cookbooks/ showbills... to  instructional materials, annual reports, yellow pages...  The only requirement is to be selective. Don't collect "bad type", you need to like those pieces—it should be a collection of text designs that you can learn from, that would become an encyclopedia  or personal library of text design.  Headlines (display type) could be included if the article has a title. Don't cut anything, we are going to edit later. NO IMAGES ARE ALLOWED, unless they are minor decorative elements.

Hope it is clear.

Good luck

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