Monday, March 16, 2009

Hello all. I've decided to try something new, I feel like my posters weren't painful enough.. I tried making this darker and more depressing..


Olga Type said...

i feel like the type of medea is never painful enough.. find a way to break free from the simple type into something more rich that goes with your painful textures.. good luck

Olga Type said...


I see how you are trying to express the mood with the image. Maybe, it is a right direction to make image the most powerful part of the poster and type would be just informational? By making type, that is slightly unemotional, commercial looking, red, you don't add the feeling of pain. I would create many different images, gestures, brush movement and a very neutral type. Thus way, you won't be confused between image and type, but put all your energy into the image.
Keep going. It is so interesting to witness how you are progressing.
