Friday, December 3, 2010


hey guys, this is Seul Ki and my Greek myth is about Orion.

 A son of Hyrieus, of Hyria, a very handsome
giant and hunter, was beloved by Artemis.
And Apollo, jealousy and indignant at his sister's
affection for him, asserted that she was unable
to hit with her bow a distant point which he
showed to her in the sea. She thereupon took aim,
and hit it, but the point was the head of Orion, who
had been swimming in the sea. In anguish over the
loss of her love, Artemis requested the gods that she be
permitted to immortalized him among stars. Her wish
granted, she placed him in the midlatitude skies.

jealousy leads to one's downfall
- the overall story is about how the constellation is made
  so i am going to put my pictograms inside the circles of
  the constellation. The sun is Apollo, and i tried to describe
  the jealousy, using the thermometer showing the temperature
  going up. 

 I am still working on it! It is not finished..


Olga Type said...

You researched constellation symbols. I like that, but I can't see the jealousy well. Why don't you find really famous medieval symbols(or illustrations) about constellation, and rearrange them to express the jealousy not using real Orion constellation map? I think those historical constellation symbols are good enough to make your poster.

You told me a concept that her arrogance at the moment can ruin everything, right? I think this concept is better. Why don't you take this concept?


Olga said...

I agree with Soomin, the visual expression is not clear although the idea of the thermometer is very clever and promising.
