Monday, December 13, 2010

The Myth of Sysiphus

The myth I chose for my pictogram is The Myth of Sysiphus, which is essentially about Sysiphus, and how he has been condemned to an eternity of performing a futile task, which is to push/roll as tone to the top of a mountain, only for it to roll right back to the bottom, over and over again by the gods. This was because the gods seemed to think that performing such a futile task repeatedly was one of the most dreadful of punishments. However, Sysiphus acknowledges, and ends up embracing his fate, when he realizes that his fate is his, and his alone. He embraces the absurdity of his fate, realizes that the rock is merely just a 'thing', and becomes joyous over the idea.

My main idea to depit this was the idea of an infinity symbol of sorts, but instead I utilized somewhat of a recycle symbol that you can find on all the bottles of water, soda, or food packaging you may buy each day.

-David Castillo


Olga said...

David, I think #1 is the best. Why green? What does it represent?

Olga said...

Oh , #1 is red . Sorry. Same question. Type is weak yet and not related to the form of your image.


Olga said...

My last two centsÚ I would create much more cicles around the composition and spread them all the way to the end of the page to make him even more powerless. Then, think about type position.

Hope it was helpful,

Anonymous said...

Hi Olga. I chose red because the myth is essentially a depiction of hell, so I thought it'd be fitting. Green was an alternative due to the joyous nature sisyphus ends the myth in.

- David