Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Transmute - language translating and transmitting system

Hi everyone!
This is Manali.
The name of my company is TRANSMUTE. I was deciding on the final name, and thought I could use some advice.
The product is a two piece device which includes a chip going over the voicebox and an ear piece which is connected to the chip via bluetooth. The idea and concept of this product is to translate one language into another for the purpose of the listener. For example, someone who can speak only English may communicate with someone speaking a foreign language using this device. All the speaker has to do is speak in English, and the chip uses the vibrations and sound waves converting them into another language that the listener or audience understands. In the same way, a foreign language may be converted back into English for the speaker, which he/she would listen to using the ear piece.
Thus, the name TRANSMUTE. The definition - changing in form, or changing the nature of from one form to another.
I thought of a few other names such as SWAP and ALTER, which all mean to change from to another.
Personally, I like the name TRANSMUTE best because I think it is most suitable for the product. It has an organic tone to it, like a metamorphosis of some kind.
It would be great if you could tell me what you think is best suited for the project!

1 comment:

Olga said...

Hi Manali,
I looked through many different usages, synonyms of this word and I think you are right: transmute makes more sense than anything else and also I like that it includes the word "mute" which is very important for your project, suggesting the sound and a silent translation. Excellent. You convinced me.
