Tuesday, April 5, 2011


I have 3 covers for Happy days-

My concept is the mirror that reflects Winnie.

I thought Winnie is talking to herself in the play, like sometimes people looking into the mirror and talk to themselves.

The play is surrealistic, so I used surreal settings with mirrors facing each other which have endless reflections.

the second one - Winnie's talking herself looking into the mirror but she can't get any answer even from the mirror because she's looking her back.. Is she really looking into it from the outside? or she is also one of the endless reflections?

1,3,4th - the same concept using only type that trapped inside of the endless reflections.

Thank you :)

Kay Dongmin Kim

1 comment:

Olga said...

Hi Dongmin,

I am very impressed how you developed your covers further! #1—very dramatic, tragic, and theatrical—beautiful! Maybe a little dark for this play?
#2 is also better—I would overlap image with type even more. The size of the title could be slightly bigger.

#3 is hard to read —I wouldn't choose it.
#4 is very strong and modern.

My criticism for all of them is Samuel Beckett—small and the same in all of the. It is impossible—each cover creates different atmosphere. try to be sensitive with type.

Great gob!
