Saturday, April 2, 2011

Happy Days

This is Kumbee.
I made some variations of Happy Days covers.
The concept for the cover is irony.
Winnie hopes that in one day the sky will pull her up from the ground, but that never happens in play. In other words, she pretends to be very optimistic but actually, she is falling into despair and "sorrow keeps breaking in". So I cut out clouds and sun from bright sky and put them into dark background.

1 comment:

Olga Type said...

Hey Kumbee, I like this concept and your description of what you are trying to portray is very clear. I was thinking though, that it may not be enough to just cut the clouds and put them on the blackness to get the "breaking in" point across.

You said that she hopes to get "pulled up" by the sky, but sorrow keeps "breaking in". Those seem like the key words you need to say with your cover.

What if you used 2 point perspective to try and show the pulling up effect somehow? Maybe your cover appears at the end of a tunnel that goes into the sky. One that seems like she could get to the end of it but she never does.

Or by trying to show "breaking in" you could use some kind of graphical technique to show a cracked glass wall that Happy Days is on the other side of.

These are just examples, but I think the important thing to say is that "pulling up" and "breaking in" are key phrases to be thinking about. Hope this is helpful in some way!

-Katie E