Wednesday, March 31, 2010

soon park

hi, everyone.
this is soon park.
here are my final poster of electra.
which one do you think the best?


Unknown said...

Hi, this is eva. I like the first and second one, but I kind of hope that I can see the image a little more. It feels like too many things are overlayed at one time to me. I hope it helps. :)

Olga said...

I like #2 and #4. Everything is much more clear: concept, mood, message. Some typographical refinement is still needed. For example, I wouldn't treat the bottom info the same typeface as the title, it reduces its uniqueness. Trade Gothic as the logo.


Olga Type said...
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ju said...

Hi, It is JuAn.
I like 4th poster color choice.
and I can see the image little better in 4th one.

Olga Type said...

I like the 2nd to last one and the last one. The third to last one doe not seem to be working for you. The colors do not show good contrast for some reason, but that just may be be me. I might take a second look.