Thursday, October 15, 2009

visual music

hey, elisa here.
anyone know a good way to post our visual music books? i dont know what way would be best to view something so horizontal without having to upload a jpeg of each individual page. any ideas?


Eddorz said...

Hey Elisa, I am also curious as to what options other than posting each JPEG file. I was thinking of using Flickr or any other sort of website to host the images and just post a link so people can view the images there. I don't know, just a idea.

Olga said...

Elisa, I don't know either, but you can be creative at solving this problem and send us a link with your music and break your accordion book into spreads or pages.

I also want to remind you that this time, you will not have to pin your visual music and type on the wall, but bring pdf files of everything to show your process on the screen.

Models of your book should be 3-D so that would understand clearly the direction you go.

Research is due this class.