Monday, November 9, 2009

Rebecca, Wednesday Class

This is my cover for my visual music. Considering we will have a short class Wednesday, I wanted some advice on how the cover is going... Should "Visual Music" be smaller? or should the other type be bigger? I think maybe the line of type should be less zig zaggy...



Olga Type said...

hi rebecca, its elisa.

i think that the overall size of your "visual music" type can be bigger... im just looking at it in relation to the size of the border, and think it can fill up more space.

also maybe try something different with your subtitles. maybe just have it run in a straight line underneath "visual music"? or mimic a design from the inside of your book? just some ideas. hope this in some way helps.

Elizabeth Reay said...

Hey, it's Elizabeth from Wed. class...

I feel like the type should be a little more random than the step/stair feel it has now...more like the inside of your book. As far as type sizes, I think it could look nice with less contrast in size but still make "visual music" be the biggest size. Are you thinking of adding any of the leaf elements to the cover or keeping it simply type?

Olga Type said...

Hey it is rebecca, the reason I layout things this way was to mimic the layout inside of my book. This is the "aaah" part I guess I should have posted that too. I don't want to stray from my layouts inside. I think it would look weird if the cover was layed out completely different from the rest of the book. I'm still not sure about leaves or people on the cover, I'm sure I will add them because I think it makes more sense..