Thursday, November 12, 2009

Elisa from Wednesday Class

Hi guys, here are some designs I am thinking about for the belly band of my cover. My book is actually a box that opens like a book and the book cloth is navy blue, and my belly band is going to be the off white color like my paper is inside. Please check these designs out for me and help me decide what direction to go in. thank you!


Unknown said...

hey elisa,
i like the first one and the third one best. what kind of paper do you plan on printing it on?


Olga Type said...

im going to use the same paper that i used for the inside visual music section and what i printed my type on. its sturdy enough and i think it will help tie together the whole project, rather than introducing a new material.

Olga said...


All your 3 versions are good, but it would be more logical to use your typographical elements from the interior. Many of your type solutions have a vertical structure, I wish your bellyband type would reflect it.

Since you are almost done with your book (all of us are jealous), I wish you would photograph it from different positions, standing, on the table, closed, open, zoom in/zoom out, open one accordion book, then another, both. Document it. You can show it to us on the screen. We will learn from it.

Great work!
