Thursday, November 10, 2011


hi Olga,

Just wondering do you have the "modena" font designed by him? thank you very much

Rochelle Jiang

Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Neville Brody

Hey Olga this is Jordan, do you have any of Neville Brody's typefaces? Also are we back to visual music for tomorrow?

FF family

Monday, October 31, 2011

Jonathan Barnbrook

Hey Everyone,

Im having a hard time finding any fonts by Barnbrook if anyone could look it would be greatly appreciated (I might even bring you a donut..). Im looking for any of the following fonts;

Shock & Awe

Also, check out this video, its wonderful!


Saturday, October 29, 2011

Marian Bantjes

Hi Olga:

This is Deirdre Waski. I have Marian Bantjes for the Banner project.
I know she has the typeface Restraint do you know anyway to get a hold of it?
Also because she hand draws or uses other mediums is there a typeface you
could recommend me?

I appreciate this. Thank you

Sunday, April 17, 2011

Happy Days- Katie Erickson

This is Katie, I've changed the inside so it doesn't rely so strongly lines. The concept is about being Winnie being stuck in endless days. 

Friday, April 15, 2011

Hi Olga, 
This is Sangwook. I changed color of the poster. In the white background, I think "+" signs are more stand out than left one. Please give me feedback. 
Thank you!!!

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Happy Days

Hi, Olga-
Thank you for the comment last week - it was very helpful :)

I tried combine 2 of my cover which you recommended -
and cleaned up the flaps (I had broken and overlapped paragraphs last week..)

and changed typeface of the title,"Happy Days".
(Mercury --> Akzidenz Grotesk which used in my other mirror posters)

Do you think it's still too dark for the play? 

Thank you for your time - - - :)

Kay Dongmin Kim


Happy Days covers - Kelly Park

I tried few more explorations for the cover.
Last week, you thought DIN (what I used for Samuel Beckett) suites better for the title (happy days). I like DIN's alphabet, but I do not like its punctuation. it's too rigid…

Comma and periods are my element and DIN's comma and periods look like blocks.
So should I used different typeface for punctuation or just use different typeface for title overall?

I am not sure which combination of typefaces work the best... so far...

Please help!! thank you. :)


Monday, April 11, 2011

One of my book jackets, same concept(broken)


Ok so i(Brian) did a new concept and it is broken.  My media is a broken bottle i had from breaking it into pieces and scattered around.  I figured stepping out of the box is a good idea.  The glass pieces are broken and scattered around explaining how much of a mess clov and hamm are.  

Thursday, April 7, 2011


Hi, this is Soomin.
I revised my cover and made samples for interior of the book. I desperately need your opinions :'D
Thank you and Good Luck guys!!!

This is endpaper. I'm doing french binding.
first page&copyright page(this is french binding, this is gonna be right and left page)

second page

the list of characters
I tried to express 4 characters' movement(?) with names. Each name has different weight and movement.

Clov gets up and down with a ladder.

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Kelly Park Happy Days covers.

I am working on my Happy Days covers. My concept is never ending monologue.
I am using coma and ellipsis as my visual element.
I am not sure if I need to make cover more busy, complex because she is talking a lot and sometimes it's confusing what she is really talking about. or leave it simple and clean and display the idea of repetition and talkativeness with coma and ellipsis only. 

-Kelly Park

Tuesday, April 5, 2011


I have 3 covers for Happy days-

My concept is the mirror that reflects Winnie.

I thought Winnie is talking to herself in the play, like sometimes people looking into the mirror and talk to themselves.

The play is surrealistic, so I used surreal settings with mirrors facing each other which have endless reflections.

the second one - Winnie's talking herself looking into the mirror but she can't get any answer even from the mirror because she's looking her back.. Is she really looking into it from the outside? or she is also one of the endless reflections?

1,3,4th - the same concept using only type that trapped inside of the endless reflections.

Thank you :)

Kay Dongmin Kim

happy days dust jacket

Forgot to put the publishing company logo in dust jacket. sorry =(

Monday, April 4, 2011

Happy days poster and dust jacket(JuYoung Lee)

This is my poster and dust jacket design for happy days by Samuel Beckett.
I used recycling symbol for my theme "repetition."
The symbol does not only represent the repetition, but also Winnie's life as well.
That is why there is an umbrella, which Winnie is always holding.
I tried to symbolize and simplify Winnie's life, and connect to my theme.

Thank you =)