The general plot was about Icarus and his father Daedalus's attempt to escape the army of the king Minos, after his father was accused of betraying the king. Daedalus had built wings for him and his son to use to fly because the king couldn't catch them in the sky. Before flying, Daedalus told Icarus that he couldn't fly too close to the sun because the wings Daedalus invented were only made of wax and feathers. As they flew Icarus became overwhelmed with the sensation of flight so he continued to fly higher and higher until eventual he was close to the sun and just as his father warned him, his wings melted and he fell out the sky, plummeting to his death.
The main idea I'm seeing is that Icarus was tempted by the idea of flight, so I've decided to go try and give a visual representation of temptation. Keep in mind these are sketches, feedback.
Moth to a light bulb.
A chest of treasures protected by barbed wire and dynamite, and a rat to a mouse trap.
I believe your first one with the butterfly? and the light bulb is strong. But what if the light bulb was like one of those bug killing things? Like the bug zapper, or that tap that the fly get stuck on and die?
I believe the idea of the mouse/rat and the trap is good as well
the moth idea is strong but it might be to similar to the myth, yo i like all your ideas my fav. would have to be the mouse to cheese. love the myth because you can do so much with temptation as a theme.
other ideas that come to my mind [not that you have to use or even acknowledge these] are druggie to drugs, alcy to alcohol, fat person to food...
if you were to use the mouse to cheese idea it would be sick if you used type that was similar to w/e is written on a mouse trap. or even cheese. lol
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