Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Tim - Visual Music: 'Drinking Song' by Rob Dougan

here are the spreads to the visual music book so far. any critique or comments would be nice. i'm not sure what i'm going to print it on yet because i wanted to use wood sheets but i have no idea how i'd do that.

song link

(the whole spread doesn't show up on the blog page so you have to click the images to see the full thing)


Olga Type said...

hey tim,
i think your project came out great. it really feels like your song. i personally dont see anything you need to readdress... except maybe the size of the type on the cover? maybe it could be bigger, but perhaps you dont want it to be. all in all i really like your book.

Eddorz said...

Whats up Tim,

Great job on your Visual Music. Like Elisa said, it really feels like your song and I do not see any problems other than the cover page font size. You might want to make it larger or maybe you can play more with that smudge/stain marks that you have and somehow make it part of your type.

Olga said...

Tim, I really like how your song is progressing. It is pretty difficult to imagine your whole book based on this Blog layout. Please bring everything in class.

I do agree with those who suggested to change the scale of your type on the cover and to use some element from the interior and give it a different life.

I have some questions though:
1. What was the reason to use Italic in gray a the end
of the song?
2. What happens with your " visual music" red/yellow
/black accordion book? Will it be a part of the
"process book"?
3. Will there be a poster and a book?
4. Are you going to print on a real wood or on a
paper imitating wood? If the first one, will we be
able to read your type thought the texture of the
